Sunday, September 16, 2012

Working on my first block print! I should be able to start printing tomorrow and I'm so excited. The first project is a self portrait ... possibly my least favorite subject. I didn't want a smiling face though that would be more "me" so I went with a not so pretty pose looking right up my nose! I don't think this will be my last self portrait so why do they all have to be "pretty." We'll see how it goes!
 The Art Department went to Hattiesburg to see Christo two Wednesdays ago (the 5th). We stopped in Laurel MS for their Museum and I got to meet Erin Napier! She is someone I really admire and I keep up with her blog that she updates daily - pretty awesome. So with that being said, I sounded like a total creeper when I asked about things she recently posted. Oh well. We got a tour of her studio and I so want an exact replica! It was the coolest. Everything was "shabby chic," huge windows, and all the rooms were weird angles, no perfect square. It had so much character and feeling and fit her perfectly! I really enjoyed seeing a letterpress artist's workspace.
Christo was great! As bad as this may sound I was so much more interested in Erin's work than anything I saw of this world renown, outdoor installation sculptor. No offense! I just related to graphic, type, and paper and not to saran wrap around a tree. His work is so massive but bigger isn't always better. I highly recommend checking out his work though and was so glad I got to see him talk. He was a very intelligent man and answered a million questions that he's probably answered a million times but didn't seem bored with us.
I am loving my internship. I'll have some work to put up soon and I'm already FILLING my portfolio with amazing pieces and it's only been 4 weeks! I've never been more busy but it's just been so much fun and I enjoy waking up every morning.

Oh and also there is a awesome secret I'm going to be able to reveal very soon! 
Keeping coming back!
Britton Yerger

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