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In first grade when teachers asked you, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I'd always reply an illustrator for childr...
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Sketchbook excerpt Hand study I'm back in Oxford! I'm taking Figure Drawing I from Carlyle Wolfe and seriously enjoying it. Car...
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My senior BFA Thesis was a total success! Thank you everyone who came and supported me, it's one of the hardest, most fun things I'...
Light in August Oils on Canvas 18''x24'' I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but I had this piece selected by Maude ...
New Blog!
* EDIT *
Things have changes since I first wrote this post! I got married and, as I mentioned, my named changed. But I thought a better change would be Britton's Art Studio -- it would encompass so much more of what I do. As of right now, December 2015, I still work for Vaughn Design and am running Britton's Art Studio, where I sell my watercolor, pet portraits, and my graphic designer skills. I hope to be adding some children illustrations in the future as well. My new link to my new website is: Britton's Art Studio.com
And as I've said, I'm continuing to blog on there!
Original post:
I will no longer be posting or updating this blog. It will only be a time capsule of my work I did in college. I have a new blog that I'm keeping up with here: BrittonYergerDesign - Blog I am trying to post every two weeks. You are very much invited to check out my new work and business!
Without the work I did and knowledge I gained in college Britton Yerger Design -- soon to be Britton Vaughn Art -- could not have been possible!
To check out more of my current work (from 2013+) please visit:
Double Decker!
I have been invited to participate in the Double Decker Arts Festival in Oxford MS, April the 26th. I'm really kicking off my business with a bang!
I have a lot of art to make and a lot to plan but couldn't be happier!
Pet Portraits
I am commissioning paintings now!! I can oil paint cats and dogs, haven't tried anything else, but totally up for it. Email me if interested in having YOUR pet painted! britton.yerger@gmail.com
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Work in Progress of my current painting. |
Launched my website about a week ago and already have buyers! I will have a print a week, so keep an eye out. These watercolors are the perfect gift for your Ole Miss fan!
Check out BrittonYergerDesign.com
Catch Up
My senior BFA Thesis was a total success! Thank you everyone who came and supported me, it's one of the hardest, most fun things I've gotten to do. Months and months of planning and working, along with 3 studio classes, payed off. I graduated with a BFA with an emphasis in Graphic Design and was hired by Vaughn Design (Check out the new site!!!!) as a graphic designer. It could not have been more perfect/amazing, I'm doing what I actually went to school for and absolutely love.
In my three last classes I took Intermediate Sculpture, Intaglio Printmaking, and Ceramics. I got to weld and pour metal in my sculpture class - frightening but I've never done anything cooler. So much fire and molten iron/bronze/aluminum. Just to show a little glimpse of what I did.
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Ready for the iron pour! |
Can't say that I enjoyed Intaglio more than Relief but it still was fun. Most I carved into metal or plexiglass, rubbed ink into the carved grooves, wiped off the excess ink, and ran it through the press.
Ceramics was such a challenge for me!!! These were a few of my beginning works.
Overall, I had a great finish to my senior year.
Through Vaughn Design, I got to collaborate and create the new Ole Miss Fishing Team's logo! They were so excited and loved it! Just a little sneak at the things I get to work on at my new job.
Seriously, yall need to check out the website incase you haven't yet Vaughn Design!
I'm currently designing my own new website where I will be able to sell my work!
Keep an eye out, I'm sure I'll have it all over my facebook soon!
Long Awaited Post
Over Thanksgiving, I've had every grandparent as me about my art and why haven't I updated my blog. So here's what you've missed and why! =]
At the beginning of this summer I entered an art competition for Community Trust Bank and found out the results in August. You can view the results here: Contest
The artwork will be exhibited and shown in their calendar.
Sorry I didn't post this information immediately, they're still wanting to have a big reveal when I accept my prize.
I had my Forum review on November 6th in front of all the tenured faculty. This is a review of my most recent work where I stood up and explained and deafened my portfolio. The presentation was about 45 minutes and it's a pass or fail. My graduation in May depended on my passing this review. I have been holding off on updating any more art for my blog with the anticipation of receiving my pass or fail letter.
With all that being said, I have received my letter today and I passed!
I get to have my Thesis presentation next semester and graduate on time! I can not be more excited!!
So here are a few of the pieces I've been working on this semester.
My first Sculpture project and I'm just now finishing my last!
My midterm for Figure Drawing II - massive. All done in one night and outside of class. Yes, he was wearing gym shorts.
My self portrait from Print Making was my first block print.
This is better than any "A" I've ever gotten.
My 3rd cousin, Auden, enjoying Paws for Magic.
Through my internship with Vaughn Design, I got to design the new vinyl stickers for the windows at Miss Behavin in Oxford. The most fun and stressful project I've done yet! I've learned so much from this internship and have so much to show from it. I can't believe I only have two weeks left.
I can't believe I have two weeks and one semester left of college!
Tomorrow will be my last home football game as a student and Phi Mu.
Print Making
Working on my first block print! I should be able to start printing tomorrow and I'm so excited. The first project is a self portrait ... possibly my least favorite subject. I didn't want a smiling face though that would be more "me" so I went with a not so pretty pose looking right up my nose! I don't think this will be my last self portrait so why do they all have to be "pretty." We'll see how it goes!
The Art Department went to Hattiesburg to see Christo two Wednesdays ago (the 5th). We stopped in Laurel MS for their Museum and I got to meet Erin Napier! She is someone I really admire and I keep up with her blog that she updates daily - pretty awesome. So with that being said, I sounded like a total creeper when I asked about things she recently posted. Oh well. We got a tour of her studio and I so want an exact replica! It was the coolest. Everything was "shabby chic," huge windows, and all the rooms were weird angles, no perfect square. It had so much character and feeling and fit her perfectly! I really enjoyed seeing a letterpress artist's workspace.
Christo was great! As bad as this may sound I was so much more interested in Erin's work than anything I saw of this world renown, outdoor installation sculptor. No offense! I just related to graphic, type, and paper and not to saran wrap around a tree. His work is so massive but bigger isn't always better. I highly recommend checking out his work though and was so glad I got to see him talk. He was a very intelligent man and answered a million questions that he's probably answered a million times but didn't seem bored with us.
I am loving my internship. I'll have some work to put up soon and I'm already FILLING my portfolio with amazing pieces and it's only been 4 weeks! I've never been more busy but it's just been so much fun and I enjoy waking up every morning.
Oh and also there is a awesome secret I'm going to be able to reveal very soon!
Keeping coming back!
Britton Yerger